Artist's Statement

"My hanging mobiles are ever-changing works of art. The delicate balance between gravity and the gentle currents in the air around us cause the mobiles to twist and bend, appearing to give them a life of their own. They are constantly redefining not only the positive shape of the mobile itself, but the negative spaces that surround the sculpture.

I like to think of my mobiles as a reminder that although life is ever-changing, one can always find beauty and joy in it. All one needs to do is stay balanced and bend slightly with the breeze."

-Steve DeSpirito

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Saturday, June 20, 2009


"Sprung" is a mobile I had kind of forgotten about until a friend saw it hanging in the corner of my workspace and inquired about it. I originally made is as a scaled up version of my mobile titled, "Tucson," but after completion I wasn't sure I really liked it. I donated it to a charity auction and it brought in more than I thought it would! It never ceases to amaze me how much I can underestimate a piece until others see it. I'm sure that's a common problem for artists, and I'm no exception.

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